477 Michigan Ave, Detroit, MI 48226
Free Parking for Rally attendees
(See info in Immediate section below)
Click below for
(Read important note below if you planning to attend)
Click below addresses for directions in google maps
Free parking for rally attendees at the following APG lot nearby:
401 Grand River Ave
241 Bagley Ave
If the above lots are full or you want to park closer :​
$1/hr Road Side Meter Parking
Zone 105 or $10/d Federal Lot
599-549 Abbott St
Rest of the lots nearby charge ~$10/day
January 26, 2020
2 to 4 PM
McNamara Federal Building Plaza
477 Michigan Ave, Detroit, MI 48226
Close to 200 million minorities in the worlds largest democracy are troubled by the actions of Indian government in the past few years and reached a flash point with latest act passed by the Indian legislature.
This citizenship act (CAA) comes amid recent waves of discriminatory actions by the Indian government. The issue is when CAA is combined with National Registry of Citizens (NRC) becomes a weapon targeting the minorities across the Nation.
Many actions taken so far by the government are tell tale signs of Fascism showing its ugly tentacles in India.
Join to engage in a constructive peaceful protest against this unconstitutional and discriminatory action
(CAA, NRC and NPR amendment)
For more information check out the links in the "about the issue" page
2 PM
Gather, organize, prepare your own posters
2-4 PM
Peaceful Protest, Show of solidarity, Speeches
4-4:15 PM
Clean up and Event Close
Following courtesy rules to be followed:​
This is a peaceful and silent protest​ not against any particular religion, it is about protecting basic human rights granted by constitution of India to all people from different religions.
All the participants pledge to display high degree of good conduct, peace loving attributes
The participants are required to park orderly, follow all city rules and be mindful of other users of the facility
Do not cause any disturbance, conduct disorderly, impede traffic (people or vehicular)
Prepare your own posters, limited supplies will be available at the site
Under any circumstances, destruction of public property is not allowed, even trampling of grass/greenery
If you are willing to give a speech in support of the cause, pls contact one of the organizers as a courtesy
Signin sheet will be available at the event
Finally, leave the facility better or the same condition as you have found it .